In a distressing incident, two teenage sisters have been abducted by bandits from the Guita community in Chikakore, Kubwa, Bwari Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The kidnappers reportedly struck on Sunday at around 11:25 pm, taking the 16 and 14-year-old girls with them. Subsequently, the family has been contacted by the abductors, who are demanding a ransom of N30 million for the release of the sisters.
This abduction follows closely on the heels of a demonstration by the Chikakore community at the office of the FCT minister, Nyesom Wike, just eight days ago. The protest was prompted by concerns over the poor state of the major road linking their community, which residents believe contributes to the frequent incidents of kidnapping in the area.
The perpetrators, numbering six gunmen, reportedly escaped with the sisters through the forests and hills surrounding the region. A resident, providing details on the incident, stated, “The two girls, aged 14 and 16, were kidnapped from their home on Sunday. The bandits attacked at about 11:25 pm. However, I learnt that the kidnappers have demanded N30 million ransom from the girls’ family.”
As of now, the spokesperson for the FCT Police Command, Josephine Adeh, could not be reached for comments. She neither answered calls nor responded to text messages sent to her phone number. The situation underscores the alarming security challenges faced by communities, with families grappling with the traumatic experience of their loved ones being taken and the associated demands for ransom by criminal elements.