A distressing incident unfolded on Thursday morning as a group of bandits invaded LEA Primary School, Kuriga, located in the conflict-ridden Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State, kidnapping numerous pupils. According to a resident in the area, the bandits, in substantial numbers, seized no fewer than 100 pupils along with the head teacher and other staff members.
This unsettling event follows a previous occurrence last Thursday when bandits targeted Gonin-Gora in the same Chikun LGA. The brazen attack prompted residents to blockade the Kaduna-Abuja Expressway in protest against the abduction of an undisclosed number of individuals in the region. The aggrieved residents demanded urgent government intervention to address the recurrent bandit attacks.
In the most recent incident, kidnappers struck the community from Wednesday night into the early hours of Thursday, abducting an unspecified number of residents. Eyewitnesses reported that the ordeal unfolded between 11 pm and 3 am on Thursday, compelling residents to take to the streets in protest, denouncing the audacity of the hoodlums in their relentless attacks on the area. The situation underscores the escalating security challenges faced by communities in the region.