Tragic circumstances unfolded in Ekiti State as two young men lost their lives due to a bullet inadvertently fired by a police officer. Witnesses recount the incident, which transpired around 10 pm on Tuesday in the Omisanjana Area of Ado Ekiti. Allegedly stemming from an earlier accident, a group of agitated youths sought retribution against the driver involved, prompting a call to the police for intervention.
However, upon the officers’ arrival, the situation escalated rather than subsided. Despite efforts to quell the unrest, an unintended discharge from one of the officers’ firearms tragically struck two youths amidst the chaos. Despite swift efforts to rush them to the Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital, their lives could not be saved.
Responding to the incident, DSP Sunday Abutu, spokesperson for the Ekiti State Police Command, assured that a thorough investigation was underway. He detailed the sequence of events leading to the fatal shooting, highlighting the challenges faced by officers attempting to maintain order amidst hostile resistance from some members of the community.
The officer responsible for the accidental discharge has been apprehended and disarmed, pending further disciplinary action. Expressing condolences to the families of the deceased, Ekiti State Commissioner of Police, CP Akinwale Kunle Adeniran, pledged a meticulous investigation and emphasized the pursuit of justice in the wake of this tragic incident.