According to a circulating video, Ikwechegh allegedly slapped Abuwatseya during a disagreement over delivery fees, questioning if the driver knew whom he was speaking to and threatening to make him “disappear.” In a statement released by FCT Police Command spokesperson Josephine Adeh, preliminary findings revealed that the dispute escalated when Abuwatseya requested the delivery fee.
Adeh noted that Ikwechegh reportedly dismissed the driver’s appeal to involve higher authorities, allegedly saying, “You can go ahead and call the Inspector General of Police.” This comment, the police said, showed “a troubling disregard for law enforcement authority,” which further intensified police scrutiny.
Commissioner of Police CP Tunji Disu has directed a thorough investigation to ensure justice. “The FCT Police Command is committed to an impartial investigation, and upon completion, appropriate legal action will be taken,” Adeh affirmed.