A 33-year-old blind mother, Agnes Forte, is grappling with the disappearance of her one-year-old baby and her 13-year-old stepdaughter. Forte suspects her stepdaughter’s involvement in their disappearance. On the day they went missing, Forte noticed that money and her daughter’s clothes were also gone.
Expressing her concerns, Forte mentioned that her stepdaughter informed a woman grinding pepper that she was heading to her grandma’s place. However, Forte is unsure whether her stepdaughter might have diverted to another location or gone to her friends in Ojuore, Ogun State, where she had stayed before joining their household.
Forte revealed that she doesn’t know her stepdaughter well, as she had started staying with them in January. Forte, who has been facing sight challenges since 2018, has known her husband since 2021. Her stepdaughter was brought from an orphanage to her grandmother’s place and later joined their family in 2023.
The situation has left Forte confused and worried about the safety of her one-year-old daughter. She expressed her fears for her daughter’s well-being, emphasizing the uncertainty surrounding her stepdaughter’s actions. The disappearance has prompted Forte to seek assistance in locating her missing child and stepdaughter.