During the 10th-anniversary celebration of Gran Hermano Academy (GHA), a private school in Awka, Anambra state, Mr. Chijioke Nwajioha, the Proprietor, emphasized the critical role children play as the hope of the future generation. He expressed concern about their vulnerability to social malaise, attributing this challenge to a lack of good leadership qualities among the current leaders in society.
Mr. Nwajioha asserted that addressing this decay requires taking drastic measures to minimize the negative impact of social vices on children. He advocated for instilling the principles of good leadership in them from an early age, believing that this approach is crucial for shaping a better future.
According to the school proprietor, sound academic performance among children should not be measured solely by the number of distinctions they achieve in examinations. Instead, he emphasized the importance of intellectual strength and the ability to defend academic results at any given time.
“We teach our children leadership roles from conception because we discovered in Africa, and particularly Nigeria, what we lack most is good and qualitative leadership skills. We have all the resources in Nigeria, and if we get it right in terms of leadership, Nigeria will be a better place to live in,” Nwajioha stated.
The school’s motto, “Leadership through Excellence,” reflects its commitment to instilling leadership qualities in students from an early stage. Mr. Nwajioha emphasized their zero-tolerance policy toward exam malpractice and highlighted the value of hard work. He encouraged students to understand that academic success is not only about achieving high grades but also about the ability to defend those results in higher institutions.
In conclusion, Mr. Nwajioha expressed his goal for students to be able to defend even one ‘A’ honestly rather than resorting to cheating to obtain top grades. The anniversary celebration not only marked a milestone for Gran Hermano Academy but also served as a platform to underscore the school’s commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals with strong leadership qualities and academic integrity.