The Nasarawa State Commissioner of Police, Umar Nadada, has ordered an investigation into the attack on a supermarket in One Man Village, near Mararaba, in the Karu Local Government Area of the state. The incident, which occurred around 8:45 p.m. on Tuesday, involved four armed men who reportedly attacked the supermarket and killed four customers. In a video obtained after the incident, a voice mentioned that one of the deceased individuals had an identity card belonging to the Central Bank of Nigeria. The Nasarawa police spokesperson, Ramhan Nansel, confirmed the incident, stating that four persons were killed during the attack. The Commissioner of Police has directed the Deputy Commissioner in charge of the State Criminal Investigative Department (SCID) to conduct a thorough investigation into the matter. The victims were taken to the hospital, where they were confirmed dead by medical professionals. The motive behind the attack is yet to be determined.