In Osogbo, Osun State, three suspected armed robbers lost their lives during a fierce gun battle with a combined security team comprising police operatives from the Osun State Police Command and members of the Nigeria Forest Security Service, also known as hunters. The incident unfolded at the defunct Osogbo Steel Rolling Mill, now known as Integrated Steel PLC of Dangote Group.
A gang of over 20 armed robbers had reportedly besieged the facility in the early hours of the day, targeting electrical installations. The robbers entered through the back of the premises, overcoming security personnel stationed at the main entrance. As they began cutting cables and causing damage, hunters on the premises became aware of their presence and engaged them in a gun duel.
The hunters, realizing the magnitude of the threat, called for police assistance, prompting the swift deployment of officers from the Osun police command. The exchange of gunfire lasted for over three hours, resulting in the death of three robbers and injuries to five others. The injured suspects were promptly evacuated to the Osun State University Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, for treatment, while the deceased were taken to the morgue at the State Specialist Hospital, Asubiaro, Osogbo.
While confirming the incident, the Osun State Police Command Public Relations Officer, Yemisi Opalola, acknowledged the engagement between the robbers and the combined security team. However, she indicated that she was awaiting a comprehensive briefing and was unable to provide the specific number of robbers killed at the time of the statement.