In a tragic incident in Makurdi, Benue State, a 65-year-old widow and retired nurse, Esther Amali, along with her 20-year-old maid, Mercy, were killed in their apartment on Sunday, January 14. The assailant reportedly entered their residence and stabbed Mercy multiple times, prompting Amali to rush out from her bedroom upon hearing the screams. Unfortunately, both women were fatally attacked.
Grace Onuhi, the deceased’s sister, recounted the incident, describing Amali as a calm person with no known conflicts. According to Onuhi, the assailant jumped through the fence and stabbed the maid, and upon hearing the commotion, Amali went outside and was also stabbed to death. The police found a knife at the crime scene.
Earlier threats from the suspect towards Mercy were reported, but the reasons for the threats remain unknown. The Benue State Police Public Relations Officer, Sewuese Anene, stated that the case was reported at D Division, and investigations are ongoing to uncover the motive behind the incident and apprehend the perpetrator.
Anene highlighted the various accounts of the incident, with some suggesting it was a robbery and others claiming knowledge of the assailant. She urged patience, assuring that the police would provide findings once the investigations are concluded. The remains of the deceased have been deposited at the mortuary.