The Nigerian Police, operating under its Force Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department in Ikoyi, Lagos State, has apprehended Oyeabuchi Okafor and Jasmine Okekeagwu for their alleged involvement in a conspiracy to defraud Mr. John Okafor, popularly known as Mr. Ibu, of N55 million.
According to a press statement issued on Thursday by the FCID, the arrest was prompted by a petition from Diamond Waves Law, representing Mr. Ibu’s wife, Stella. The petition accused Mr. Ibu’s sons, Onyeabuchi and Valentine Okafor, along with his adopted daughter, Jasmine Okekeagwu, of collaborating to defraud the actor.
The police investigation revealed that, in an effort to fund his medical bills, Mr. Ibu initiated a public fundraising campaign, garnering contributions from fans, members of the entertainment industry, and the public. The funds were channeled into a dedicated bank account publicized for this purpose.
The FCID disclosed that Onyeabuchi and Jasmine, in a deceitful move, took advantage of Stella, gained control of Mr. Ibu’s phone, and hacked into his banking details. Subsequently, they reinstalled the banking app, transferred N55 million from the donations, and allegedly planned to escape the country under the guise of a sham marriage.
The police reported that N50 million has been recovered from the suspects, who have been charged with conspiracy and stealing at the Chief Magistrate’s Court 1, Yaba. The suspects were granted bail, and the case is scheduled to be heard on March 11, 2024. The case file has also been forwarded to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution for legal advice.