A tragic incident unfolded in Nyiniongun, a suburb of Makurdi, the capital city of Benue State, as a 72-year-old retired soldier, Francis Dooga, took his own life within the confines of his compound opposite St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. The distressing event occurred on Sunday when the septuagenarian reportedly hung himself from a tree without leaving any explanatory note.
The shocking suicide has left the local community in bewilderment, with neighbors grappling to comprehend the circumstances that might have led the retired soldier, fondly known as ‘Old Soldier,’ to such a tragic end. One resident, who preferred not to be named, revealed that none of Dooga’s family members were present at the time of the incident. It wasn’t until a family member arrived around 6:00 p.m. on Sunday that the lifeless body was discovered hanging from a tree within the residence, prompting an immediate alarm.
The revelation drew the attention of neighbors to the distressing scene, creating an air of disbelief in the community. Another resident, who also requested anonymity, disclosed that the deceased had previously expressed grievances about facing hardships, allegedly stemming from falling victim to individuals who defrauded him. However, family members remained tight-lipped when approached by journalists, offering no insight into the potential reasons behind the retired soldier’s tragic decision.
The state command spokesperson, SP Catherine Anene, confirmed the incident in a brief message, stating, “We have the report, and investigation is ongoing.” The circumstances surrounding the retired soldier’s suicide remain a subject of inquiry as the community grapples with the somber aftermath of this distressing event.