In a tragic turn of events, a 37-year-old security guard, Nurudeen Shehu, employed at Prestige International College, took his own life following distressing news of his ex-wife’s remarriage in Kano. The state Commissioner of Police, Usaini Gumel, confirmed the incident on Tuesday, revealing that the suicide occurred inside one of the college’s classrooms on Sunday.
According to Gumel, a report was filed by Abdullahi Abdulsalam of Rijiyar Zaki, who discovered Shehu hanging motionless in a classroom around 10:30 am on January 28. The Gwale Division’s police, led by the Divisional Police Officer (DPO), entered the classroom, cut the rope, and swiftly transported the lifeless body to the Murtala Mohammed General Hospital. A doctor on duty at the hospital confirmed the security guard’s death, and his remains were subsequently released to his family for burial.
The police commissioner acknowledged that Shehu’s tragic decision to take his own life was directly influenced by the news of his ex-wife’s remarriage. Gumel assured that a comprehensive investigation would be conducted to unravel the circumstances that led to this unfortunate incident.
Similarly, in a separate incident, a 24-year-old Mass Communication student at Federal Polytechnic Mubi in Adamawa State, Jemima Shetima-Balami, allegedly committed suicide on Monday after her boyfriend terminated their relationship. The details surrounding this tragic event are yet to be fully disclosed.