Tensions have surged in Katsina State, Nigeria, following a controversial social media post made by a Christian resident identified as Mani Abubakar. The Facebook post, deemed blasphemous towards the Prophet of Islam, sparked outrage, leading to the burning of Abubakar’s house and car by some individuals. Abubakar reportedly managed to escape from his residence in Babaruga.
Vice Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in Katsina, Muyiwa Segun, reported that the situation has been diffused through the prompt actions taken by the state Commissioner of Police, Aliyu Musa. Segun urged for religious tolerance and expressed concerns for Abubakar’s safety, noting that the victim’s life is reportedly at risk.
“The victims’ life is reportedly at risk, but thanks to his escape. However, it is advised that he stays in hiding until tension subsides. CAN plans to engage with local authorities, including a visit to the Emir of Katsina, to ensure Abubakar’s safety once he decides to emerge,” added Segun.
Abubakar had allegedly made controversial statements questioning the authorship of the Quran. The contentious statement has since been deleted from Facebook. This incident is unfortunately not isolated, as Nigeria has witnessed various instances of violence and fatalities stemming from accusations of blasphemy. Last year, a butcher, Usman Buda, was murdered by extremist Muslims following an alleged blasphemous remark made against an Islamic prophet. Additionally, a female student, Deborah Yakubu, was killed and her corpse burned by fellow students in 2022 for allegedly posting a blasphemous message on WhatsApp. These incidents highlight the complex challenges related to religious tensions and freedom of expression in Nigeria.