Bandits who abducted a bride and more than 60 women on their way to her matrimonial home in Damari, Sabuwa LGA of Katsina State, last Thursday, have released a distressing video showcasing the captives. The footage, which has circulated widely on social media, depicts the bandits making threats and demanding a ransom from the captives’ relatives. Failure to comply, they warned, would result in the forced remarriage of the already-wedded bride to someone else.
The video features the gang’s leader, attired in a police uniform, announcing that there are 63 captives. The bride, dressed in military camouflage, and the abducted wedding guests are visible in the background.
The abduction occurred on Thursday, February 1, when the bride and her convoy of guests from Dandume were ambushed in Sabuwa while traveling in an open van.
In the video statement, the gang leader asserted, “I am the one who abducted them, and I will never release them until ransom is paid. And if there is anyone who thinks they could rescue them, they should try it.”
Responding to the incident, the Katsina State Government confirmed it had initiated rescue operations. Muazu Nasiru, the State Internal Security Commissioner, announced on Thursday, February 3, that the government was aware of the kidnapping and had launched operations to secure the release of the victims.