The eldest son of President Bola Tinubu, Mr Seyi Tinubu, has appealed to Nigerians for patience amid challenging economic times. This plea comes in response to recent protests in Ibadan and Uyo, where citizens expressed dissatisfaction with the rising cost of living. Seyi took to Instagram to reiterate his father’s words from a previous national broadcast, emphasizing the need for endurance during difficult times.
President Tinubu’s economic reforms in the past nine months have led to collateral instability in the value of the Naira, resulting in increased hardships for Nigerians, particularly soaring food prices. Seyi expressed his support for his father and asserted that the present generation would eventually reap the benefits of enduring the current challenges.
However, Seyi’s message faced criticism from some Nigerians who questioned the President’s son for living luxuriously while calling for sacrifices from the people. One user pointed out Seyi’s wristwatch, a Richard Mille, known for its high cost.
Former Vice President and presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, Atiku Abubakar, also weighed in on Tinubu’s economic policies, specifically criticizing the rapid implementation of the exchange rate unification without proper planning and consultation. Atiku argued for a managed-floating system, stating that it would be a more preferable option given Nigeria’s economic conditions. In response, the Presidency disagreed, asserting that Atiku’s proposed approach was similar to past policies that were susceptible to abuse and corruption.