The Kogi State Police Command in Nigeria has successfully rescued 16 kidnapped victims, as announced in a statement by the command’s Public Relations Officer, SP William Aya. The rescue operation was initiated following the kidnapping of 11 passengers from a Peace Mass Transit Bus and five others from a Sienna bus along the Ette Enugu Ezike Road on February 25, 2024.
A joint team comprising Kogi Police and Military forces from Enugu State swiftly responded to the incident, tracked the perpetrators, and successfully rescued all the victims from the bush unharmed. Efforts are ongoing to apprehend the suspects and bring them to justice.
The Commissioner of Police for Kogi State, Bethrand Onuoha, commended the joint security team for their efforts and emphasized the command’s commitment to sustaining efforts against criminal activities in the state. He urged the people of the state to continue collaborating with the police and other security agencies to ensure the adequate security of lives and property.