The Lagos State Police Command is investigating a tragic incident where a three-year-old boy named Michael lost his life in a fire caused by a melted candle. The fire occurred at Olorunsogo Street in Ejigbo, Lagos State, destroying 10 rooms within the compound and causing extensive damage to properties worth millions of naira.
According to reports, a lit candle in one of the rooms melted, leading to the fire that tragically claimed the life of the young boy. Emergency services, including the Lagos State Fire Fighters and the Lagos State Ambulance Service, responded to the scene. The remains of the deceased child were evacuated by the ambulance service.
The Police Public Relations Officer for the Lagos State Command, Benjamin Hundeyin, confirmed the incident and stated that an investigation is ongoing. The police are looking into the circumstances surrounding the tragic incident while monitoring the area to maintain control. This unfortunate event highlights the dangers associated with the use of candles and the need for caution to prevent fire incidents.