Justice Rahman Oshodi of the Ikeja Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Court rendered a significant verdict on Tuesday, convicting and sentencing 26-year-old carpenter Tayo Akinboyewa to life imprisonment for engaging in unlawful sexual intercourse with his neighbor’s 12-year-old primary school pupil.
The judge meticulously evaluated the evidence presented, including the victim’s testimony, which was substantiated by a medical report. He concluded that the prosecution had effectively proven the charge of defilement against Akinboyewa. The victim’s direct eyewitness account and Akinboyewa’s confession, supported by medical evidence, further reinforced the case against him.
Justice Oshodi emphasized the gravity of Akinboyewa’s actions, describing them as a gross violation of the victim’s innocence, dignity, and bodily integrity. He highlighted Akinboyewa’s abuse of his position as a neighbor and the victim’s young age, stressing the trauma and harm inflicted upon her.
Considering the severity of the offense, the breach of trust, and the lack of remorse displayed by Akinboyewa, Justice Oshodi imposed the statutory penalty of life imprisonment. He underscored the importance of deterring sexual abuse of children and holding perpetrators accountable for their reprehensible conduct.