In Jere town, Kaduna State, a heartbreaking incident has unfolded where bandits ruthlessly executed a 27-year-old man named Abba. Abba had bravely negotiated and delivered a ransom of N16 million along with three motorcycles for the release of nine kidnapped victims. The abduction occurred on April 16, 2024, when bandits raided homes in Unguwar Iya, Jere, taking nine residents hostage and initially demanding N30 million for their release.
According to local sources, including security analyst Zagazola Makama and resident Shuaibu Hussaini, the tragic event occurred last Saturday. Abba, who had been in negotiations with the bandits, went to the designated location to deliver the ransom to their leader. Shockingly, after receiving the ransom and the motorcycles, the bandits callously tied Abba with a rope and fatally shot him. The motive behind this brutal act was reportedly due to the bandit leader’s claim that Abba had been disrespectful during the negotiation process.
The horrifying nature of the incident was further underscored when the bandits later informed Abba’s family about his tragic fate. Upon inquiry by one of the family members about Abba’s whereabouts after delivering the ransom, they were directed to a specific location to collect his lifeless body.
Shuaibu Hussaini conveyed that Abba’s death has plunged not only his family but the entire Jere chiefdom into mourning. As of the latest update, the Kaduna State Police Command has yet to provide official comment on the incident.
This distressing event highlights the ongoing dangers and tragedies faced by communities in Kaduna State due to banditry, underscoring the urgent need for enhanced security measures and protection of innocent lives.