The Lagos State Police Command announced on Sunday the arrest of Collins Ikwebe, a 20-year-old who allegedly orchestrated his own abduction and demanded ransom from his father. Alongside Collins, the police also detained one male and four female accomplices involved in the crime, whose names were not disclosed.
Benjamin Hundeyin, the Police Public Relations Officer for the state, confirmed the arrests and addressed a viral post from an user, @Flacko TG, who claimed wrongful detention at Ikeja Police Division. The user asserted innocence and mentioned being caught up in a situation involving a faked kidnapping and ransom demand.
According to Hundeyin, Collins had simulated his own kidnapping while residing with his accomplices in a short-term rental apartment in Lekki, Lagos. The police investigation revealed that Collins’ father received multiple ransom demands from his son’s phone, with different voices providing instructions on payment methods.
“On Thursday, June 20, 2024, detectives from the Lagos State Police Command raided the four-bedroom apartment in Lekki, where Collins and his five schoolmates had been staying for ten days,” Hundeyin stated. He emphasized that investigations are ongoing to determine the involvement of the other suspects.
Nigerians on social media have urged the police to conduct a thorough investigation and ensure due process for all involved parties. They emphasized the presumption of innocence until proven guilty and urged fairness in handling the case.
The situation remains under investigation, and further updates are anticipated as the police proceed with their inquiries.