On Friday, a distressing incident unfolded when an unidentified woman tragically passed away in a tricycle while nearing her intended bus stop. According to eyewitnesses, the incident occurred near Isheri bus stop, where the tricycle rider alerted bystanders after realizing the passenger had become unresponsive.
Witnesses, speaking anonymously due to the sensitive nature of the event, recounted the moment when the rider stopped at Isheri, expecting the woman to disembark and settle her fare. However, upon receiving no response from the passenger, the rider raised an alarm, prompting onlookers to rush to the scene. It soon became apparent that the woman had ceased to show signs of life.
“I was near Isheri bus stop when I heard the tricycle rider calling for help,” one witness recalled. “When we approached, we saw the woman leaning motionless against the tricycle’s barricade.”
Efforts were made by local residents to revive her, but sadly, they were unsuccessful. Police were subsequently notified and arrived at the scene, leading to a dispersal of bystanders.
“Some speculated she might have had an underlying health issue or suffered a heart attack,” another witness, Sodiq, remarked.
The tricycle was taken to the Idimu police station, while the deceased woman was transported to a nearby hospital. Attempts to reach the Police Public Relations Officer, Benjamin Hundeyin, for comment were unsuccessful as calls to his phone went unanswered and a text message remained unresponded to at the time of this report.