In a terrifying incident early Friday morning, a family of four was kidnapped by armed men who invaded their home in the Tundun Fulani extension area of Bwari Area Council in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja. The kidnapping occurred around 1:30 am, with the assailants forcefully breaking into the family’s residence.
A resident, who spoke on condition of anonymity, described the attackers as numerous and heavily armed. The kidnappers shot one individual who managed to escape their clutches, leaving them injured.
When contacted, FCT police command spokesperson Josephine Adeh confirmed that the police are actively investigating the incident and are working to resolve the situation.
This incident is the latest in a series of kidnappings that have plagued the Bwari area. In May, thirteen individuals were abducted in Piko, a remote community in the same area. More recently, in July, a resident of El-Rufai Estate in Bwari was shot by kidnappers after an attempted abduction was foiled by security forces.
The increasing frequency of these attacks has heightened concerns about security in the Bwari area, with residents calling for more effective measures to protect their communities.