The controversy erupted after social activist Martins Otse, also known as VeryDarkMan, released an audio recording in which Bobrisky allegedly made the bribery claim. In response, the EFCC summoned Bobrisky for questioning, but he reportedly failed to appear. The anti-graft agency subsequently arrested him at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos on Thursday night as he attempted to board a flight to London. Bobrisky posted about the incident on Instagram, claiming he sustained injuries during an altercation with immigration officers.
According to EFCC sources, Bobrisky was flown to Abuja for interrogation due to his failure to honor repeated summonses. “He accused our commission of bribery and corruption. Such allegations are too serious to ignore, and we have taken steps to ensure he substantiates them,” an EFCC official disclosed.
EFCC’s Head of Media and Publicity, Dele Oyewale, confirmed that Bobrisky’s allegations are under investigation. “If his claims prove false, he may face fresh charges. He who alleges must be ready to provide proof,” Oyewale stated. Furthermore, Bobrisky’s arrest came after he also failed to attend a National Assembly hearing regarding the bribery claim.
EFCC spokesperson Wilson Uwajaren emphasized that anyone making such serious allegations must be prepared to provide evidence. Bobrisky’s arrest was necessary, according to Uwajaren, to allow him to identify those involved in the alleged N15 million bribe. Oyewale added, “Once he reveals who collected the money, we will release him.”