The spokesperson for the police, Catherine Anene, said, “The incident is confirmed, and rescue operation is ongoing. Eleven persons were rescued while 20 corpses have been recovered.”
The victims were reportedly returning to their homes in Apochi and Odenyi communities in Doma Local Government Area (LGA) of Nasarawa State after visiting the Ocholonya market in Agatu LGA of Benue State. The boat, a wooden vessel carrying mostly women and children, overturned mid-journey.
A local resident, Adanyi, recounted the harrowing event. “Yesterday was Ocholonya market day, and most of the victims were women and children returning home when the boat capsized. All of them died,” he said.
The Chairman of Agatu LGA, Melvin James, also confirmed the incident. He said, “It’s true that there was a boat crash. The victims had come to Ocholonya market in Agatu and were returning to their base in Apochi and Odenyi in Nasarawa State when the accident occurred.”
James added that conflicting reports were making it challenging to verify the exact number of casualties. While some locals reported that 20 corpses had been recovered, he noted that official confirmation was still pending. “I’ve been told 20 bodies have been recovered, but I need to verify this directly with the divers,” he said.
Efforts are underway to recover additional bodies and console the bereaved families. James revealed he had reached out to his counterpart in Nasarawa State to coordinate a joint visit to the victims’ families.
To aid in the rescue mission, the chairman has also enlisted the assistance of the Nigerian Navy. Meanwhile, the local community mourns the lives lost in this devastating accident.